Chevron Corp. acquires operational control of a Venezuelan oilfields
Chevron Corp. acquires operational control of a Venezuelan oilfields and processing facilities as part of a joint venture for safety processes, operational reliability, and production levels as well as other essential data necessary to gauge progress related to operational improvements and the dispatch of crude oil from Anzoátegui state in eastern Venezuela. Managing agreement with PREMIER ENERGY VENEZUELA INVESTMENTS, C.A. in Venezuela has allowed PREMIER ENERGY SERVICES to perform operational work with PDVSA Mix Company PETROPIAR, S.A. and CHEVRON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES in compliance with sanctions.
GPB Neftegaz Services, B.V. (GPB) keep activity at their oil joint ventures
PDVSA partner, GPB Neftegaz Services, B.V. (GPB) act as intermediary looking for ways to keep activity at their oil joint ventures going, have begun taking care of enhanced oil recovery steam generators systems, including water treatment plants and pump skids themselves to encourage an increase in production, in mature fields operated by Petrozamora which in many cases had fallen or halted due to thefts, casualties, equipment damage and environmental damage. This project was executed in complains with UU.EE. sanctions. Refurbishing Premier Energy enhanced oil recovery steam generators [...]
Greenprints Alliance nombra a Gary Moore como director ejecutivo
La Junta Directiva de Greenprints Alliance ha anunciado el nombramiento de Gary Moore como nuevo Director Ejecutivo de la organización. Greenprints Alliance es una organización sin fines de lucro con fondos privados con sede en Woodstock, Georgia, que trabaja con la ciudad de Woodstock, empresas y socios comunitarios para crear conciencia y apoyo para ayudar a realizar el Plan Maestro de Greenprints. Lea más: